Planetary Geophysics
Ernie Bell
Mission Control
Planetary Exploration
“The mountains are calling and I must go”
- John Muir -
Bell E., Schmerr, N., Young, K., Esmaeili, S., Garry, W.B., Jazayeri, S., Kruse, S., Richardson, J., Whelley, P. Field Mapping and Modeling of Terrestrial Lava Tube Magnetic Anomalies as an Analog for Lunar Lava Tube Exploration and Prospecting. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Special Issue: Exploring Planetary Caves as Windows into Subsurface Geology, Habitability, and Astrobiology. In review 2022.
Esmaeili S., Kruse S., Jazayeri S., Whelley P., Bell E., Richardson J., Garry W.B., Young K. Resolution of Lava Tubes with ground penetrating radar: The TubeX project. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2020.
Bell, E. et. al. Mission Control Team Structure & Operational Lessons Learned From the 2009 & 2010 NASA Desert RATS Simulated Lunar Exploration Field Tests. Acta Astronautica. NASA Desert RATS Special Issue, 2013.
Horz, F. Bell, E. The Traverse Planning Process for Desert RATS 2010. Acta Astronautica. NASA Desert RATS Special Issue, 2013.
Rabin, Y. Bell, E. 2003a Thermal Expansion Measurements of Cryoprotective Agents. Part I: A New Experimental Apparatus. Cryobiology. Volume 46, Number 3, pp. 254-263.
Rabin, Y. Bell, E. 2003b Thermal Expansion Measurements of Cryoprotective Agents. Part II: Measurements of DP6 and VS55, and Comparison with DMSO. Cryobiology. Volume 46, Number 3, pp. 264-270.
Bell E., Schmerr, N., Feist, B., Richardson, J., Whelley, P., Young, K., Recommendations for Real-Time Coordination for Artemis Lunar Surface Geophysical Science Investigations, Lunar Surface Science Workshop, Structuring Real-Time Science Support of Artemis Crewed Operations, 2021.
Young, K., Bleacher, J., Graff, T., Glotch, T., Rogers, A., McAdam, A., Whelley, P., Richardson, J., Achilles, C., Knudson, C., Garry, W.B., Feist, B., Scheidt, S., Honniball, C., Morse, A., Naids, A., Coan, D., Rampe, E., Evans, C., Bell, E., Schmerr, N., The Importance of Incorporating Field Portable Instrumentation in Lunar Surface Exploration – And the Implications of Doing So, Lunar Surface Science Workshop, Tools and Instruments for Surface Science, 2020.
Richardson, J., Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Espley, J., Sheppard, D., Connor C., Whelley, P., Strauss, B., Young, K., Magnetic Surveys to Probe the Lunar Subsurface, Lunar Surface Science Workshop, Geophysics, 2020.
Eppler, D., Barker, D., Bell, E., Bleacher, J., Evans, C., Graff, T., Head, J., Helper, M., Hodges, K., Hurtado, J., Klaus, K., Neal, C., Schmitt, H., Skinner, J., Tewksbury, B., Young, K., Framework for Executing Lunar Scientific Exploration, Lunar Surface Science Workshop, Lunar Surface Operations, 2020.
Richardson, J., Esmaeili, S., Baker, D., Shoemaker, E., Kruse, S., Jazayeri, S., Whelley, P., Garry, W.B., Bell, E., Young, K., Carter, L., Schmerr, N., Prospecting Buried Resources with Ground Penetrating Radar, Lunar Surface Science Workshop, Lunar Surface Operations, 2020.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Garry, W.B., Porter, R., Richardson, J., Whelley, P., Young, K., Terrestrial Seismic and Magnetic Field Studies of Volcanic Fields as an Analog to Lunar Surface Prospecting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2020.
Bell, E., Schmerr N., Young, K., Bleacher, J., Esmaeili, S., Garry, W.B., Jazayeri, S., Kruse, S., Porter, R., Richardson, J., Whelley, P., Magnetic Signatures of Terrestrial Lava Tubes as Analogs for Lunar Prospecting of Subsurface Features, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2020.
Esmaeili, S., Jazayeri, S., Kruse, S., Young, K., Garry, W. B., Whelley, P., & Bell, E., Richardson, J., Grady-Weil, K., Alfred, S., (2019, December). Optimizing ground penetrating radar (GPR) Imaging of Lava Tubes: TubeX results on modeling and exploration strategies. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Young, K., Porter, R., Whelley, P., Garry, W.B., Kruse, S., Esmaeili, S., Jazayeri, S., Richardson, J., West, J., Pettit, D., Rees, S, Using Terrestrial Volcanic Fields as an Analog for the Geophysical Characterization of Potential Lunar Resources, Lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization Workshop, Columbia, MD, 2019.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Porter, R., Young, K., Richardson, J., West, J., Pettit, D., Rees, S., Geophysical Characterization of a Volcanic Cinder Cone Field, An Analog to Lunar Exploration, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2019.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Porter, R., Young, K., Richardson, J., West, J., Rees, S., Pettit, D., Using Earth Analogs of the Moon to Study Volcanic Fields and Prepare for Human Lunar Geophysical Exploration, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., 2018.
Eppler, D., Young, K., Bleacher, J., Klaus, K., Barker, D., Evans, D., Tewksbury, B., Schmitt, H., Helper, M., Hurtado, J., Deans, M., Yingst, A., Spudis, P., Bell, E., Skinner, J., Cohen, B., Head, J., Returning to the Moon: Building the Systems Engineering Base for Successful Science Missions, New Views of the Moon 2 – Asia, 2018.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Porter, R., Young, K., Richardson, J., Rees, S., Pettit, D., Geophysical Examination of Volcanic Features and Processes with Lunar Science Operations Implications, Geologic Society of America, Cordilleran Section 114th Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ, 2018.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Young, K., Whelley, P., Garry, W., Kruse, S., Esmaeili, S., and Jazayeri S., Characterization of Lava Tubes with Magnetometry, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2018.
Young, K., Whelley, P., Kruse, S., Esmaeili, S., Jazayeri S., Bell, E., Garry, W., Bleacher, J., and Schmerr, N., Using GPR, LiDAR, Magnetometry, and In-Situ Geochemistry to Develop a Strategy for the Exploration and Characterization of Lava Tubes, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2018.
Eppler, D., Bleacher, J., Bell, E., et al., A Framework for Lunar Surface Science Exploration, New Views of the Moon 2 Workshop, Munster, Germany, 2017.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Porter, R., Young, K., Pettit, D., Planetary Traverse Based Geophysical Field Analysis of San Francisco Volcanic Field Study Region, GSA Cordilleran Section 113th Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 2017.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Bleacher, J., Porter, R., Young, K., Pettit, D., Planetary Analog Studies of Geophysical Field Techniques, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2017.
Miller, M., Lim, D., Brady, A., Cardman, Z., Bell, E., Garry, W., Reid, D., Chappell, S., Abercromby, A., PLRP-3: Operational perspectives conducting science-driven extravehicular activity with communications latency, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky MT, 2016.
Bell, E., Schmerr, N., Plescia, J., Numerical Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation Within Asteroids, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, 2016.
Bell, E., Coan, D., A Review of the Approach to ISS Increment Crew EVA Training. AIAA Space 2007 Conference, Long Beach, CA, September 2007.
Bell, E., Coan, D., Oswald, D., A Discussion on the Making of an EVA: What it Really Takes to Walk in Space, AIAA SpaceOps 2006 Conference, Rome, Italy, June 2006.
Coan, D., Bell, E., Essential Commonality for Effective Future Extravehicular Activity Operations, AIAA SpaceOps 2006 Conference, Rome, Italy, June 2006.
Bell, E., Oswald, D., Past and Present Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Operational Requirements Comparison for Future Space Exploration, AIAA Space 2005 Conference, Long Beach, CA, August 2005.
Rabin, Y., Bell, E., Presentation: Thermal Expansion Measurements of Cryoprotective Agents, ASME Conference, Washington D.C., November 2003.